I am going backwards, but I wanted to post some pics of our newst nephew, Everest. I was going to post about our Vacation, but time is short right now. Everest was August 18th at 7:36am. He weighed 7lbs 6ozs and is 20 inches tall. Two days after we got home from vacation. (It was great of Wendy to wait for us to get home.) The night he was born, I went just to visit for a little while, but stayed three hours. This baby is just so sweet and he like a magnent. You just want to be near him. So theses are some pictures of me taking the kids the next day to meet their new cousin.
My five with Aunt Wendy and her first baby, Everest.
Aunt Wendy shows the kids the baby's tiny toes.
Everest's toes with Ryan, Jaxon & Kason's Hands
Austin & Everest
Everest is thinking, "I'm Hungry!"
Kason and Everest
Everest is saying, "Where is my food?"
Megan & Everest
Everest saying, "No food is coming out my fingers!"
Jaxon with Everest Everest saying, "I am serious. I am really hungry."
Ryan with Everest. Everest saying, "OK, now I am mad and I want my Food!
I got a turn to hold Everest too.
Everest is Hungry and looking for something to eat. Mommy is loving on him and he was making the funniest sucking noise.
WHen he finally found what he was looking for, Daddy (Jason) was making Mama (Wendy) was laughing and telling Jason to stop because it was making the baby shake. Jason just commented that that's even better. Now Everest is getting a Milk Shake. We were all crackin up as we were hanging out in the room.
Derek & Austin waiting for the baby to be fed.
Megan, the only child of mine, who behaved themselves during our visit.
Itchy and Twitchy finding amusement on the recliner as Everest is fed.
Uncle Derek finally gets to meet him the next day. I asked Derek, "Does it kind of make you jealous that they are just starting out and get to enjoy a new baby? (I was serious) He laughed at me and said, "NO! I know what their in for and I wouldn't go back. I like sleeping and not carrying around a Diaper Bag." OK, this is coming from the guy who kept warning me that we were suppose to have five kids. As amazing as a new baby is and especially, one as sweet as Everest. I have to agree. You just hit a point when you know your done. But it sure is fun to have a big family and enjoy being a an aunt. I have loved being an Aunt for almost 21 years now. It is GREAT!
Megan looking longingly at Everest
Everyone is Drawn to this little guy
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