Austin: My Freshman. You can usually find him at a scouting activity or strumming on his guitar. He might live in Utah, but this boy is a California Boy by heart. Surfer Boy.
Kason is in 7th grade and we are doing Homeschool together. So far so good.
Meg started 6th grade. I don't know if I am ready to send her to Jr. High next year. She is all girl!!
Jaxon is now in second grade. Two days after school started he turned eight. There is only one person in his class taller then he and and she is a girl. (Too Jaxon, that is weird.)
Ryan: This little guy is doing at home preshool with Mom He is a sing song kid. Every night lately he will just start singing, "I am a child of God" We love it.
These people make my life amazing!