Wednesday, December 26, 2007

Five Kids or a Blizzard? Take your pick!

Tonight, I took Megan to Build-a-bear. She got a gift card from Santa In Manhattan Beach. I told her I would take her the day after Christmas. I decided it might be easier to take her by herself then with all 5 kids. So we left the boys(Derek included) home and headed for the Mall in Orem. The roads were icy and it was snowing. As we were driving home, I could not even tell if I was in a lane. I was starting to get nervous and thought, "I wonder what is scarier, trucking 5 kids through a mall or Driving in pouring snow on Icy roads?" The answer was obviously taking 5 kids to the mall. It was great to now have perspective and I was no longer nervous about driving in treacherous conditions.

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