Saturday, September 15, 2007

What is LDS??

Dawn, from "Because I said so!" said she gets many people asking her if she is LDS. She did not know what that was. Finally she realized it was "Mormon".

I decided if anyone has any questions, I would be happy to answer them, as I am LDS. Don't worry I am not trying to convert anyone. I just know there are many "Mormon Myths".

If you want to talk about your religion, I would love to hear you about how it blesses your life.


Matchbox Mom said...

hahhhaha!!! I love you already! Thanks for sharing your testimony on blogger! It's wonderful. You're so brave. I'm so giddy that you did it! I'm Tami from Utah. I love it! I'm glad that I keep finding good people that are good Christians here on blogger, it's a nice change of pace from all the other crap that's out there!

Cindy said...

Cool idea...I second matchbox mom too.

Jenn's finding life funny! said...

Thanks for the good feedback. I confess after I posted my comment on Dawn's Blog, I was nervous I might get some not so great feedback.

I too am so greatful that their are so many good people out in the world raising their children as best they can and I do believe that having Heavenly Father in your life, helps us to keep our priorities straight.

Oh yeah, for all of you who are not LDS, do not judge "Mormons" on my horible spelling and punctuation and sooo many typos. I just watch way too much Teletubbies!

Mamarazzi said...

i ran into your post on "because i said so" and i wanted to tell you that i really think you are great for explaining what LDS stands for. i am also glad that yu took the opportunity to clear up that LDS people are indeed Christian. i think we need to do that every chance we get. maybe the word will finally get out there. i am just another LDS stay at home mom, with one kid so far...but i love love love "because i said so's blog" and now i am a fan of yours. i will be linking you, feel free to stop my my family blog tooooo.


Carrie and Troy Keiser said...

I think that post on Dawn Meehan's blog attracted alot of lds ladies. I've found a few more that way. Oh that we can all be good examples in blogland. Nice to meet you here. and 3rd matchbox mom!

Davis' said...

I love your blog. Your family life sounds just as fun as mine. I have 7 kids, 4 boys, and 3 girls. Keep up the good work.

Heather H said...

I too am a LDS mom. I am glad to have found your blog, its good to know that other moms are out there with their crazy kids too.

Anonymous said...

I loved your message to Dawn and others,that was a great use of the Churches website.
I have a housefull also. I have 5 boys and 1 girl. It is very interesting having only 1 girl. My children range from 15 to 3 so life is never dull!

redhead83402 said...

hi! I found you after reading Shauna's blog & just wanted to stop by & comment ~ I love seeing other great LDS ladies out there in the blogging world ~ the interent CAN be used well & effectively ~;-D

Melody said...

I found your blog from Dawn. I also have 5 children and reside in FL where large families are not too common. It is great to find more LDS mom's out there.

Rick said...

I'm the third of six - we're not LDS. It just took that long before my parents figure out where they were coming from.